Us Attorney Manual Deferred Prosecution Agreement

The US Attorney Manual Deferred Prosecution Agreement: A Guide for Businesses

Businesses operate in a dynamic environment, where they are bound to face legal issues that could affect their operations. The US Attorney Manual Deferred Prosecution Agreement (DPA) is a program that offers businesses a chance to avoid criminal charges in exchange for meeting specific conditions. This article provides insights into the US Attorney Manual Deferred Prosecution Agreement, its benefits, and how businesses can apply to participate in the program.

What is the US Attorney Manual Deferred Prosecution Agreement?

A Deferred Prosecution Agreement (DPA) is a contractual agreement between a prosecutor and a defendant that suspends prosecution for a defined period. Under a DPA, the prosecutor charges the defendant with a crime, but agrees to defer further action on the charges while the defendant complies with the conditions of the agreement. The US Attorney Manual Deferred Prosecution Agreement is a program that offers businesses an opportunity to avoid criminal charges by meeting specific conditions.

The US Attorney Manual Deferred Prosecution Agreement is often used in cases where a corporation is involved in fraudulent activities. The agreement allows the prosecutor to defer prosecution while the corporation cooperates with the government and meets specific conditions. The purpose of the agreement is to encourage corporations to cooperate with the government in investigations and avoid the prosecution of individuals within the corporation.

Benefits of the US Attorney Manual Deferred Prosecution Agreement

The US Attorney Manual Deferred Prosecution Agreement provides several benefits to businesses, including:

1. Avoiding Criminal Charges – By participating in the program, businesses can avoid criminal charges that could lead to significant financial penalties and damage to their reputation.

2. Reduced Financial Penalties – By complying with the terms of the agreement, businesses can negotiate reduced financial penalties.

3. Avoiding Litigation – By agreeing to the terms of the agreement, businesses can avoid lengthy and costly litigation.

4. Avoiding Negative Publicity – By participating in the program, businesses can avoid negative publicity that could damage their reputation.

How to Apply for the US Attorney Manual Deferred Prosecution Agreement

To participate in the US Attorney Manual Deferred Prosecution Agreement, businesses should follow the following process:

1. Contact the Prosecutor – The first step is to contact the prosecutor handling the case. The prosecutor will provide information on the requirements for participating in the program.

2. Disclosure of Information – The business must disclose all relevant information regarding the activities that are the subject of the investigation. This includes providing access to all relevant documents and witnesses.

3. Negotiation of the Agreement – The prosecutor and the business will negotiate the terms of the agreement. The agreement will include specific conditions that the business must meet to avoid prosecution.

4. Approval of the Agreement – The agreement must be approved by a judge before it can take effect.


The US Attorney Manual Deferred Prosecution Agreement is a program that provides businesses with an opportunity to avoid criminal charges by meeting specific conditions. The program offers businesses several benefits, including avoiding criminal charges, reducing financial penalties, avoiding litigation, and avoiding negative publicity. To participate in the program, businesses must contact the prosecutor handling the case, disclose all relevant information, negotiate the terms of the agreement, and have it approved by a judge. By participating in the program, businesses can mitigate the impact of criminal charges on their operations and reputation.

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